128 Irish Hill Road
Co. Antrim BT36 5SH
Northern Ireland

Tel : 028 90 843408
Email : beechgrovenursery@gmail.com
Mon-Thur 8am-5pm, Fri 8am-4pm
Lunch 1pm-1.30pm
We Are Closed Sat and Sun
Trial using Foamstream October 2017
On the 19th October 2017 we carried out a trial on the paths and irrigation sand beds on the nursery.
What we are hoping to achieve is the removal of weeds and overwintering seeds / spores so that the nursery will be dramatically more weed and algae free next year. I believe this may be the first time it has been used in Northern Ireland (but someone may know differently) so the experience should be interesting.
Click below to see video on familiar area.


Machine is portable

Foaming in operation

Foaming in operation

Initial treatment

one week on, weeds, liverwart and moss killed.

one week on, weeds, liverwart and moss killed.

one week on, particularly heavy area

one week on, particularly heavy area
Trial using Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) August 2017
During August we trialled liverwart removal. Sodium bicarbonate worked well on killing liverwart. As of October, it remains killed.
It did not effect Nostoc sp. is a cyanobacterium (also called a blue-green algae).
Update August 2018 & August 2019
- At Beech Grove Nursery we have trialled sodium carbonate on the Nostoc algae with great success. We also trialled sodium carbonate with hydrogen peroxide (used in clothes dry cleaning) but this did not eradicate the algae compared to the success with sodium carbonate.