128 Irish Hill Road
Co. Antrim BT36 5SH
Northern Ireland

Tel : 028 90 843408
Email : beechgrovenursery@gmail.com
Mon-Thur 8am-5pm, Fri 8am-4pm
Lunch 1pm-1.30pm
We Are Closed Sat and Sun

Latest -
We close 4pm Friday 20th December and reopen Thursday 2nd January 2025. Wishing our customers a Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.
Bare root transplants, trees and root balled hedging are now available.
We are a wholesale grower and supplier of shrubs, trees and herbaceous perennials.
Our Nursery at Irish Hill Road, Newtownabbey is situated within easy reach of the M2 Motorway and just off the A8 Larne Line (main Belfast to Larne Road).
We have a large selection of plants to cater for your needs, with many new & unusual varieties. We can also source plants through our network of nurseries throughout Europe.
We also stock fertiliser, tree posts and ties, compost, peat, ground cover fabric - everything you need to plant our plants or trees. We do not stock trellis, pots or garden sundries.
From the nursery :-

What we can offer -
Bare Root Hedging and Trees suitable for EFS
Root balled Shrubs and Trees
Fruit Bushes and Fruit Trees
Espalier screening hornbeam and laurel
Potted Trees
Hardy nursery stock shrubs (potentilla, spiraea, fuchsia etc)
Hedging (privet, laurel, escallonia, griselinia etc)
Azalea & Rhododendron
Japanese Maples including specimens.
Bamboos (clump forming)
Herbaceous Perennials
Topiary shrubs
Hardy Tropical Plants including tree ferns Dicksonia Antartica
Specimen shrubs
Imported Italian Specimens
Ground cover matting
Wooden posts & tree ties
Composted bark, compost, horse manure, ericaceous compost
Peat free composts
Bonemeal & fertiliser
What we can't offer -
We do not design gardens
We do not grow bedding plants or supply hanging baskets
We supply some herbs but not vegetables
We do not offer a delivery service
We do not plant gardens or provide landscaping activities