128 Irish Hill Road
Co. Antrim BT36 5SH
Northern Ireland

Tel : 028 90 843408
Email : beechgrovenursery@gmail.com
Mon-Thur 8am-5pm, Fri 8am-4pm
Lunch 1pm-1.30pm
We Are Closed Sat and Sun
About us
Robert, Gordon, or any of their knowledgeable staff are always willing to discuss your requirements or queries. Robert has many years of experience in horticulture, in fact don't ask how many! He founded the nursery back in 1986 but he had been associated with horticulture for many years prior to this. The Nursery has grown from 1/2 acre to its present coverage of over 8 acres.
If we're out of stock on a particular variety, we can source that plant through his network of growers. That a side, why don't you phone or download the latest plant stock list to see the superb variety and quality of stock grown on the nursery.
What's Happening @BGN
25th October 2023 Eucryphia, Crinodendron, Rhododendron Lady Alice Fitzwilliam, Stewartia pseudocamellia, Argyrocytisus battandieri
and Hydrangea seemanii among some of our more unusual stock.
20th October 2023 Our Acer osakazuki are in terrific colour as always this time of year.
27th September 2023 Deciduous and evergreen azalea stock available.
30th July 2023 A 6 week dry spell in 2021 ! It came early this year and has now just revered to wet wet wet!!
16th May 2023 New delivery from Italy with Photinia, Chamaerops, Camellia sasanqua, Laurus nobilis, Ilex etc.
14th June 2023 Dicksonia antartica have arrived.
4th November 2022 Bare root transplants are available.
18th October 2022 Getting ready for bare root and rootball season. Stock will be available early November.
10th August 2022 New release of our Azalea and dwarf Rhododendrons available.
3rd April 2022 Hardy Tropical Plants including tree ferns Dicksonia Antartica now available
25th October 2021 Root balled thuja, amelanchier and pinus starting to arrive. New season!!
19th October 2021 Delivery of Italian cypress, bamboo, cedars, 1/2 standard photinias etc arrived in and being unpacked.
16th September 2021 New season Azalea and Rhododendrons are ready.
30th July 2021 Looking back to 2018, we commented on 6 weeks dry spell. It's happened again!
21st April 2021 New season lavender are in stock again.
14th September 2020 New Season Azalea are ready for sale, tree ferns due in later this week.
18th May 2020 Reopened again after Covid. You'll notice a few improvements we've made while we were closed. Please
remember to keep your distance from others.
30th March 2020 We've taken the decision to close the nursery due to the current circumstances. Stay safe and see you soon!
9th December 2019 Bare root roses arrived and being potted for the coming season. A little late this year due to rain stopping them
being lifted from the fields.
1st December 2019 We have closed our Manse Road Location and moved all to our Newtownabbey site. This will give you and us
better stock control and availability of plants.
9th August 2019 Still plenty to do at this time of year - potting on, sowing seeds, pruning, tidying up, and cutting hedges.
26th July 2019 Another delivery in from Italy before they close for August - bamboo, photinia, italian cypress, topiary
3rd May 2019 Delivery has arrived of lovely Italian specimens from Photinia and bamboo to Cloud trees!
12th April 2019 New season English lavender now in stock again.
2nd April 2019 End of bare root hedging season
8th January 2019 New stock of bare root tranaplants back in again - it's a hard year with many shortages, but we're getting there.
7th January 2019 We're back. Roll on Easter.
21st December 2018 Thanks all folks! Thank you for your custom and see you next year.
20th November 2018 Bare root roses have arrived. Best to get them potted or planted early in the winter.
19th October 2018 New season Rhododendrons are fully rooted through and available now.
6th July 2018 That's the 6th week of dry weather. When will it end?
4th May 2018 Garden Show Ireland back again and we are delighted to supply plants for three gardens.
20th April 2018 Stock in from Italy - photinia, bamboo, italian cypress, ilex cloud trees and more.
14th April 2018 New stock 1L lavenders are now available.
23rd November 2017 Lots of new shrubs in - Eucryphia, Clethra alnifolia ‘Ruby Spice’, Cornus ‘Eddies White Wonder’
and Magnolia Star Wars amoung some of the more unusual.
19th November 2017 Bare root trees and root balled shrubs now available. Also bare root fruit trees - apple, pear, plum etc.
12th Novemver 2017 Bare root hedging transplants now in stock.
20th September 2017 Our spiraea and potentilla are fully rooted through and available.
7th September 2017 New season Azaleas have arrived in 2L and 3L pots.
4th June 2017 Potting on large leaf Rhododendrons as they have finished flowering.
19th April 2017 1st delivery of year in from Italy. Don't worry about hardiness, they had plenty of snow and
frosts this year.
12th April 2017 Bare root season all but over - much earlier than last year
14th February 2017 It may be Valentines day but bare root fruit bushes have arrived (raspberries, gooseberries etc)
21st December 2016 Happy Christmas. We open again 4th January 2017
20th December 2016 Bare root roses arrive for potting.
23rd November 2016 New season Rhododendron available for sale. 3L to 20L pots.
11th November 2016 Bare root thorn and beech now in stock.
29th August 2016 New season Azalea in 2Land 3L pots available.
25th August 2016 Foundations laid for new dispatch building.
25th August 2016 Tunnel reskinned after minor tear became major tear!
22nd August 2016 Recycling by returning full container load of pallets, pallet boxes and crates to one of our suppliers.
1th July 2016 Beech Grove Nursery @ bloomingdales celibrates 6 months opening.
5th May 2016 Garden Show Ireland - we supply plants for 3-off gardens, gaining best in show.
28th April 2016 End of bare root season.
4th April 2016 New season lavender now available.
11th January 2016 Beech grove nursery @ bloomingdales opens today. Two great locations :-)
21st December 2015 Happy Christmas. We open again 4th January 2016 and celebrate 30 years in business.
2nd November 2015 Bare root thorn and beech now in stock!
27th October 2015 New season Rhododendron available for sale. 3L to 20L pots.
20th October 2015 Root balled laurels - cherry and Portugese, Taxus and Photinia Red Robin available.
16th October 2015 Tunnel 3 has been cleaned completely, new flooring and ready for winter stock.
20th September 2015 New season 2L & 3L Azaleas ready for sale. They're really full in the pots and looking superb.
30th June 2015 Hottest day of the year so far and we're ...... watering.
25th June 2015 Keep an eye on the aphids - we're preventively spraying if populations are increasing.
25th May 2015 Chelsea chop the Geranium Wargrave pink and Johnston's Blue to stop them getting too leggy.
18th May 2015 Last of the root balled shrubs have now been potted up.
30th April 2015 End of bare root season.
14th January 2015 Will bring hydrangea undercover now that they have had a few frosts and the buds have set.
12th January 2015 Tidying herbaceous perrenials - the less hardy are already in tunnels.
6th January 2015 Tree pruning around the hedges and wind breaks. We've now enough logs to last all next winter!
5th January 2015 Happy New Year!
16th December 2014 Potting on trees for sale next summer
10th December 2014 Bare root fruit now available - raspberries, blackcurrants, redcurrants, loganberries, tayberries etc.
1st December 2014 Potting on bare root herbaceous plants - keep themin tunnels for the winter.
10th November 2014 Bare rot hedging transplants have arrived. Fully stocked and restocked from November to April.
31st October 2014 Happy Halloween!!! Watch out for hibernating hedgehogs in bonfires :-o
27th October 2014 Root balled shrubs have arrived including the new Prunus laur. Genolia.
20th October 2014 Tunnel 2 ready for plants - watering system complete.
13th October 2014 Getting ready for the new season - shipped out 2 containers of empty crates and Danish trolleys.
9th September 2014 Cut back roses.
8th September 2014 New season 3L Azaleas are ready for sale. See them on Twitter or better - in person.
28th August 2014 Two new tunnels erected and skinned - drum tight thanks to Donnelly Horticulture.
5th August 2014 Delivery of 3-4m tall leylandii - great instant "blocking"
4th August 2014 Staff has been added to with work experience before goingto study at Greenmount college
25th July 2014 Holidays are over - Lake Garda was great!
20th June 2014 Lovely Pittosporum Tom Thumb arrived in today. Must post pics on Twitter.
19th June 2014 Watering....continuously!
16th June 2014 Potting liners.
6th June 2014 Finishing potting the root balled shrubs. Spraying insecticide and fungicide when weather
17th March 2014 St Patrick's day, but we're still open.
13th March 2014 Finished spraying selective weedkiller to stop weed seeds germinating - pays dividends later
in the season.
5th March 2014 Our new season climbers have arrived - clematis, lonicera, pyracatha, parthenocosis.
27th February 2014 Our new season 1 litre pots of herbaceous perrenials and evergreen ferns arrived today!
14th February 2014 It's supposed to be Valentine's day but the wind and rain keep us in potting all day.
12th February 2014 Some lovely Photinia Little Red Robin in 2L pots arrived today.
5th February 2014 Cut back our deciduous grasses eg. Stipa gigantea, Miscanthus starlight & Panicum Northwind
28th January 2014 Started to pot on some of our trees into 20L pots.
6th January 2014 Nursery reopens
20th December 2013 Nursery Closed for 2 weeks
16th December 2013 Potting liners and putting in tunnel for next season
10th December 2013 Bare root and Root balled trees available - see the availability listing
15th November 2013 Foundations being built for new polytunnel
14th November 2013 Continuing to divide herbaceous perrenials
14th November 2013 Bringing Dahlias into polytunnel after first frost. Bring in Agapanthus, Cosmos, Ceanothus.
12th November 2013 Bare root hedging available for sale
30th October 2013 Bare rot hedging price list now available and on website
22nd October 2013 Bare root buxus and roses have arrived. Root balled shrubs have arrived.
18th October 2013 Started to divide herbaceous perrenials
18th October 2013 Stopped our automated overhead watering system -
14th October 2013 New stock of Rhododendrons and Azaleas (incl. deciduous Azaleas)
25th September 2013 Cut back Roses
6th August 2013 Everything looking well - just weeding and watering

At Beech Grove Nursery, we try to think logically about our environmental impact.
We promote recycling - we receive and dispatch all our plants on reusable trolleys
or in recyclable packaging (or better still, no packaging at all!) -
Our Nursery is heated and hot water is supplied by the latest generation wood
gasification boiler and heat reservoir (thanks to M Large Tree Services). -
We harvest rain water into catchment tanks and do not use mains water to water any of our plants.
Birds are encouraged (and fed during Winter months) to help reduce pests throughout the whole year.
A wormery is our alternative "Nursery" to breed worms and release them into the open ground arboretum, opening the ground and digesting leaves etc.
An average car (40mpg) produces 3.5 tons of Carbon per year (12,000 miles). The average tree captures approximately 1 ton in it's lifetime. Try planting 4 trees per year to offset each car - get planting!!
wholesale nursery growing and supplying herbaceous shrubs and trees. Bare Root and Root Ball plants in volume.